The fast food demons and I go way back. As a kid, we were always on the road. Always in the car going to or from any given practice...gymnastics, cheerleading, softball, track, you name it. This led to the inevitable fast food demon relationship for me. It has definitely been a love/hate relationship.
How close of a relationship you ask. Well, at my peak of unhealthiness, I would eat at the Golden Arches for breakfast, some random burger joint for lunch, then the husband and I would visit either a Mexican or pizza restaurant for dinner. Day in and day out. It's no surprise I weighed 255 pounds, had zero energy, was infertile and severely depressed.
The fast food demons still creep up on me. They get in my head, telling me lies like "I will make you feel better.", "Come on, you deserve me.", "Once won't hurt ya." And sometimes I am weak and I believe them. And afterwards, I feel guilty, physically and mentally miserable and like a fraud.
Why do we do this to ourselves? Part of it is mental weakness or lack of direction and/or commitment. Some of it is plain ignorance. We just don't understand what fast food really is and the dangers that come with it. This ignorance is not an excuse because there's information out there everywhere. Most of us are either too lazy or in denial and don't really want to know the truth. And yes, some of it is addiction. Addiction to both the chemicals in the food and the behavior itself. But like any addiction, it can and MUST be controlled. Your life depends on it. For real!!!
Most of the time the fast food demons catch up with me and try to lure me in when I have not planned my food intake for the day and are short on time. This is when they plan their attack. But I have to be strong and keep focused on my goal of the healthy life I want for myself and family.
Today was such a day. I have only a little over an hour before I have to pick up the kids and I am starving!!! It would be way easier to drive thru Taco Bell and get a bean burrito or two. But that will only feel good for moment, if even that honestly at this point in my journey. Not only will it cause me to spend some of my money on junk, but it will push me FROM my goal not TOWARDS it. So, I went home, cooked up a salmon burger and mexican lentils. It was a quick, delicious and healthy lunch that will made me proud of myself and will move me towards my goal...not away.
Take that fast food demons!
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