Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Protein Power Soup

I was needing and craving some high dose nutrition the other day.  Came home and made a yummy soup.  It's a typical "clean out the fridge" soup.  It was so good and full of protein, fiber and vitamins/nutrients. Throw in your favorite spices and eat up!

Protein Power Soup

Serves approximately 8 
Nutrition per Serving: Calories 209; Carbs 40; Fat 0; Protein 12; Fiber 14; Sugar 10


Olive Oil                             2 tablespoons
Onion                                 1 onion, chopped
Celery                                1 stalk, chopped
Carrot                                 1 carrot, chopped
Lentils                                1/2 cup, dry
Sweet Potato                     1, peeled and cubed
Peppers                             Green, Red, Yellow: 1/2 pepper each, diced
Mushrooms                        4, chopped
Cabbage                            1/4 head, chopped
Kale                                   1 cup, chopped
Black Beans                       1 can, drained and rinsed
Kidney Beans                     1 can, drained and rinsed
Stewed Tomatoes               2 cans, undrained
Tomato Sauce                    1 15 oz. can
Vegetable Broth                 1 container


In stock pan, heat Olive Oil.  Add onion, celery, carrots and peppers.  Cook until onions are transparent.
Add remaining ingredients, plus any desired spices.  Bring to a boil.  Reduce heat and cover for 20-25 minutes. 


Saturday, October 12, 2013

The Last Supper

Wow, it's been 13 days since my last greasy and nasty fast food meal.  I had already been dabbling in the Plant Strong way of life for a few weeks, but knew that the following morning, I was going to go full-force and start taking care of myself.  So, of course, what do most people do when they start a "Monday Morning Diet"???  Eat CRAP on Sunday!!!!  AKA...The Last Supper Binge!

I hid myself in my car, sitting in the parking lot eating that greasy bacon cheeseburger and cheese fries, thinking I "deserved" it because I had just burned so many calories on my bike ride. Even with a meal as unhealthy as that, I was going to be under my calorie goal for the day so, I was "okay" with splurging on the grease and nastiness...see, even I am the Queen of Justification! 

I will admit, it smelled like heaven.  It tasted okay.  But, you know what doesn't taste good? REGRET SHAME.GUILT.  I knew what I was doing was horrible for me.  I knew what I was doing was not going to feed or repair my body. But, I gobbled it up like a good little former fat girl and threw away all of the evidence.  **NOTE TO SELF...when you have to "hide" your food evidence from your spouse because of your own shame, it's probably a great indicator that you shouldn't be eating it!**

I think I got about 5 miles before I started burping up the grease, the fat, the salt, the yuckiness.  I seriously contemplated pulling into the gas station and making myself vomit up the poison.  And for those of you who know me well, know that I battled with bulimia for years, so this was a huge trigger for me and solidified that what I had done was REALLY REALLY STUPID!!!  But, I didn't.  I made myself sit with my miserable secret and let it be a reminder of how much that "reward meal" really SUCKED! By the way, having to hide the fact that you just ate like a college kid on a midnight binge really stinks!

Since that meal, I have been eating Plant Strong!  I love it! 13 days in and I feel absolutely wonderful!  I automatically eat less calories, but have so much more energy than before!  And, I ate what I would consider fairly healthy (except for the occasional "I deserve it" meals...ugh!)  I love coming up with my own recipes, using fresh, healthy ingredients.  I love seeing all of the color on my plate.  It's just fun!  (I know...NERD!)

In the past, I have been a vegetarian.  Actually, was for quite some time.  But, there is a HUGE difference between being a vegetarian and being PLANT STRONG!  There are tons of vegetarian and even vegan junk food choices out there that will do absolutely NOTHING to help you be strong and your physical, emotional and mental best.  This time, I plan to do it the RIGHT way.

I have been asked what foods I am allowing myself to eat.  Right now, I am "transitioning" over to hopefully, eventually, a vegan diet.  Remember, that my whole health philosophy is Good, Better, Best.  Right now, I am in the Better category.  I KNOW for a fact that if I went full-fledged vegan right now, I would fail.  Years of experience with my personality has taught me this.  HA!  So, for now, I am allowing myself dairy (which basically for me means a little on pizza, in a salad..because I forgot to ask them not to put it on... or in soup), eggs and salmon.  I also use whey protein (not vegan, fyi...)  for my protein shakes, but will eventually be moving to a vegan one...when these bulk bags run out!

Nutrition, just like exercise, is a very personal decision.  Every one's journey is different.  Every one's decision, their own.  I always say thank goodness there are so many options out there for exercise.  The same is true for nutrition.

Over the last year, I have been watching documentaries, reading articles, perusing websites and facebook pages. I consulted a wonderful chiropractor/nutrition guru and also a plant strong wonder woman who are helping me learn and steer my way through this process. I have been learning about nutrition and what each vitamin/nutrient does for you.  I have only began to learn and cannot wait to learn even more.

Do your own research, or ask a trusted nutrition-focused professional who actually looks and lives the way you want to, for help. Try new ways of eating.  Learn what makes your body look, work and feel it's best.  For me, I think I have finally found it!  I am excited to be on my way to MY personal best.  I can't wait to see what happens.  

Join me!!!!

Thursday, October 10, 2013

A New Approach

"Your two main purposes for eating a healthy diet and taking supplements are to give your body what it needs to heal itself and to minimize the level of inflammation that is in your body. The inflammation is what is causing your pain.

Drugs that fight pain do little, if anything, to help the body heal itself. In fact, some of these drugs can have severe negative side effects, so please consider eating right as an alternative."

So, this is the approach my chiropractor and I are taking to address the run/race/life-stopping back issues that I have.  It's a new approach. Moving away from just manipulation and stretching. We are doing an "inside out" type approach.
Because healing can only truly happen when my insides are happy and the nutrition I take in can actually be used to repair the damage I have done. Diet and supplements will be used to make sure my body is at it's best to heal. We will still be doing some manipulation as well as stretching, muscle building and limiting my running to "nothing crazy"....for now. :-)

I met with Dr. Jamie Stephens (my awesome chiropractor) today to go over my xrays and kickstart the program. I got an A for starting the plant-based diet two weeks ago on my own. Apparently that was a good move! :-) I knew it was helping my weight, my blood sugar, energy and pms, but didn't realize it was helping my back and pain too! HEY..BONUS! :)

I can do this! I believe it will work!  I will be disciplined and follow this through. I cannot wait to see all of the positive changes. This is gonna be fun! :)

Stay tuned!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Are You Ready?

Everyone has that moment. That moment when they decide that they have had enough. They have had enough pain. Enough depression. Enough time spent hating themselves. Enough energy spent dreaming of what their lives could be. Enough of hearing their own excuses for why they aren't living their HEALTHIEST AND BEST LIFE! I know how it feels...I was there.

Believe it or not, we all can get to where we want to be. But, it takes desire. It takes trust yourself and in the process. It takes time. It takes effort. It takes consistency. It does NOT come from a magical box containing a magical pill. It takes spending time outside your comfort zone and sometimes outside the suffocating box of "normal".

Who wants to be normal anyway? Normal now is fat. Normal now is lazy. Normal now is spending hundreds of $$$$ on medicine every month that you only need because you have been eating cheap, processed and fattening food; meanwhile using the excuse that eating healthy and exercising is too expensive. Normal is DYING....not LIVING!!!! So, I ask you .... WHY BE NORMAL????

Do the research. Do the work. Eat for nutrition. Love the process. Feel the pride. Do it for YOU. Do it for your loved.ones. Do it RIGHT. Get healthy....for a LIFEtime!

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Kale...A Must Have

I know there are a few of you left out there who have still not tried kale.  Come on, branch out and give it a try!!!  Here are just a few reasons...

Just one cup of kale contains about 100% of your daily requirements for vitamins A, C and K.  This one cup provides anti-inflammatory benefits as well as phenomenal cardiovascular support. It is rich in lutein and zeaxanthin, for healthy eyes. Kale is also a great source of potassium, iron, phosphorus and manganese – as well as over 45 different varieties of antioxidant flavonoids that lend themselves to cancer prevention! And....not only is it a beautiful rich, green color, IT TASTES AWESOME!!!!

But, how do I use kale? I use it in veggie stir fry, egg/veggie scrambles, soups and of course, yummy kale chips!  The kale wilts like spinach when you cook it in the stir fry, scramble and soup.  It crisps in the oven like a "chip".

For the egg scramble, add it before the eggs, along with your other "harder" veggies, sauteing it in the olive oil until it just starts to wilt.  And for the kale chips, here is the "recipe", 'cause I know you're all dying to try them. (and btw...even picky Taylor LOVES kale chips!)

I buy fresh kale, not bagged kale.  I do not care for how they cut the kale in a bag and I think fresh tastes better, of course! Preheat the oven to around 350 degrees. Tear off the green leaves from the stem, then tear them into "chip size" pieces.  Place the kale on a cookie sheet.  Drizzle with olive oil.  Top with a sprinkle of garlic salt and pepper, if you wish.  Bake in the oven until the kale reaches your desired crispiness.  The kale can go from soggy to burnt very quickly. Cooking the kale only takes about 10-15 minutes usually. Let cool, then serve.  Yummy!!!! Great way to satisfy the crunch/salt craving AND get a TON of vital nutrients for your health! 


Friday, October 4, 2013


I tell my clients I want them to think about their life and their choices in this way...Good, Better, Best.  Notice I didn't say PERFECT anywhere?  What that means is that when they are faced with a decision such as what to eat, where to eat or what exercises to do or not do, they need to look at the choices and place them on a Good, Better and Best scale.  Then, decide which one..Good, Better or Best, they will be happy with.

The diet and food industry has always made us believe that food is a reward and dieting is a punishment for that reward.  Think about it. The word DIET makes you cringe.  It makes you immediately think negative thoughts.  Rice cakes, fake butter, tiny frozen meals, icky tasting sugar substitutes and yes, of course, STARVATION!!!

Society has this wrong idea about food.  There is NO PUNISHMENT!  There are only choices.  You make a choice every time you eat.  You make a choice to accept Good...or demand BEST.  Yes, there are some foods/beverages out there that have zero nutritional value and would be considered BAD, but I do not focus on them.  Most foods, even the unhealthy ones, have SOME nutritional value.  Such as eggs and milk in cakes; carbs in beer; protein in a pizza or greasy cheeseburger; potatoes in chips, you get the point.

When you first start your journey to become your healthiest and happiest version of yourself, you start by aiming towards BETTER.  Not BEST, because let's face it...that puts most people in shock and quitsville within two days!  Striving for BEST immediately out of the gate is a sure-fire way to failure and resentment and yes...DIETING.  EEEEK!!!

The same could be said for exercise.  There will always be someone out there who can run faster or longer than you.  There will always be some new crazy exercise that everyone is doing and you feel like a failure because you're not.  There will always be someone out there more fit than you.  That is what you will label in your mind as BEST.  Only because it seems unattainable to you NOW in your journey.  However, in due time...I bet you are dang close if not completely at that prior "best". :-) So, like the food, strive for BETTER.  Walk more minutes than you did last week.  Lift more weight than you did last month.  Run faster than you did yesterday. It's all about striving for YOUR BETTER!!!  Not someone else's when it comes to exercise.

In nutrition and exercise, there will always be fads.  There will always be controversy.  There will always be MANY, MANY, CHOICES! There will also be up days and down days.  Strive for Better and Best..not Perfection. Strive for making better choices and making a better YOU!

Why Soy Milk?

I found this article on and thought I would pass it along.  I get asked all the time why my family drinks soy milk instead of cow's milk.  Here is why! (oh and yes...the highlights are from me!)

  **Edited to add.....This as well as just about every dietary and supplement opinion out there is controversial.  There are proponents and opponents to soy. Do your own research, experimenting and make your own decisions. Personally, I love the taste of soy milk too. Thanks! :-)

6 Health Benefits of Soy Milk


Soy milk, which is made from soaking, grinding and boiling soy beans with water, is a very nutritious drink. Soy is naturally high in essential fatty acids, proteins, fiber, vitamins and minerals. These nutrients provide energy and keep your body functioning at its optimum level. Below are the six most important health benefits you can acquire from drinking soy milk.

1. Improve Lipid Profile

The most important attribute of soy milk is its ability to improve your blood lipid profile. Unlike dairy milk, which is high in saturated fat and cholesterol, soy milk fat is mostly unsaturated with zero cholesterol. The monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids in soy can inhibit the transport of cholesterol into your blood stream. Studies have shown that regular intake of soy can significantly lower you blood concentrations of triglyceride and low density lipoproteins (LDL) and raise the level of high density lipoproteins (HDL). This combined effect makes soy milk an ideal drink if you have high cholesterol or have a family history of coronary heart diseases.

2. Strengthen Blood Vessel Integrity

The omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids as well as the powerful phyto-antioxidants in soy can effectively protect your blood vessels from lesions and hemorrhage. These compounds bind to the blood vessel lining and defend your lining cells from free radical attacks and cholesterol deposits. The binding of these nutrients also improve the fluidity and flexibility of your blood vessels so that they are much more resilient to blood pressure changes.

3. Promote Weight Loss

Soy milk is naturally lower in sugar content than regular milk. Cow's milk has about 12 grams of sugar per cup as opposed to only 7 grams in soy milk. This is why a cup of whole soy milk has only 80 calories, which is the equivalent of skim milk. In addition, the monounsaturated fatty acid in soy milk can inhibit your intestinal absorption of fat, which is another great advantage for weight loss. Drinking soy milk also gives you an extra dose of fiber, keeping your feeling fuller for longer time.

4. Prevent Prostate Cancer

Soy milk is a rich source of phytoestrogen, a unique plant hormone that can inhibit the production of testosterone in men. Reduced testosterone levels can significantly cut the risk of prostate cancer. Studies have shown that men who eat a soy-rich diet are less likely to develop prostate hypertrophy or prostate cancer.

5. Prevent Postmenopausal Syndromes


During menopause, a woman’s natural production of estrogen drops to a minimum. The sudden reduction of estrogen creates a number of health problems for postmenopausal women. Postmenopausal women have higher risks of heart disease, diabetes and obesity. They are also more vulnerable to depression, mood swings, insomnia and other psychological disorders. The phytoestrogen in soy is an effective estrogen replacement. Regular intake of soy is a great way to prevent and alleviate these postmenopausal syndromes.

6. Prevent Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is another age and hormone related disease. The phytoestrogen in soy can help accelerate calcium absorption by your body and prevent the loss of bone mass. For the maximum benefit, make sure to buy the soy milk that is fortified with extra calcium and vitamin D.


They say that every decision we make leads to a consequence.  That is soooo true when it comes to my physical health and my mental health!

It still amazes me how when I make BAD decisions regarding my health, I feel HORRIBLE about myself.  I am mean, jealous, angry and bitter....oh and LAZY!

And....surprise, surprise....when I make GREAT decisions regarding my health, I feel ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!!!!  Like I can DO anything!  I can BE anything! And NO ONE can stop me!!!

Now...just to remember this when it comes to making EVERY SINGLE DECISION regarding my health!