Friday, October 4, 2013


I tell my clients I want them to think about their life and their choices in this way...Good, Better, Best.  Notice I didn't say PERFECT anywhere?  What that means is that when they are faced with a decision such as what to eat, where to eat or what exercises to do or not do, they need to look at the choices and place them on a Good, Better and Best scale.  Then, decide which one..Good, Better or Best, they will be happy with.

The diet and food industry has always made us believe that food is a reward and dieting is a punishment for that reward.  Think about it. The word DIET makes you cringe.  It makes you immediately think negative thoughts.  Rice cakes, fake butter, tiny frozen meals, icky tasting sugar substitutes and yes, of course, STARVATION!!!

Society has this wrong idea about food.  There is NO PUNISHMENT!  There are only choices.  You make a choice every time you eat.  You make a choice to accept Good...or demand BEST.  Yes, there are some foods/beverages out there that have zero nutritional value and would be considered BAD, but I do not focus on them.  Most foods, even the unhealthy ones, have SOME nutritional value.  Such as eggs and milk in cakes; carbs in beer; protein in a pizza or greasy cheeseburger; potatoes in chips, you get the point.

When you first start your journey to become your healthiest and happiest version of yourself, you start by aiming towards BETTER.  Not BEST, because let's face it...that puts most people in shock and quitsville within two days!  Striving for BEST immediately out of the gate is a sure-fire way to failure and resentment and yes...DIETING.  EEEEK!!!

The same could be said for exercise.  There will always be someone out there who can run faster or longer than you.  There will always be some new crazy exercise that everyone is doing and you feel like a failure because you're not.  There will always be someone out there more fit than you.  That is what you will label in your mind as BEST.  Only because it seems unattainable to you NOW in your journey.  However, in due time...I bet you are dang close if not completely at that prior "best". :-) So, like the food, strive for BETTER.  Walk more minutes than you did last week.  Lift more weight than you did last month.  Run faster than you did yesterday. It's all about striving for YOUR BETTER!!!  Not someone else's when it comes to exercise.

In nutrition and exercise, there will always be fads.  There will always be controversy.  There will always be MANY, MANY, CHOICES! There will also be up days and down days.  Strive for Better and Best..not Perfection. Strive for making better choices and making a better YOU!

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